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梁猜娜:人教版教材 高一英语(下)

作者:梁猜娜    |    发布日期:2012年07月04日






人教版教材 高一英语(下)

unit 14Festivals》之阅读课

The birth of a festival
















Unit 14 ,SEFC1B


The birth of a festival




二 学生情况分析

学生英语基础普遍较好,学习积极性高,思维活跃,听说能力较强 ,课堂上肯动脑, 但在进行口语训练时由于部分同学表达能力有限 致使学习合作时表现出较大的偏差,有些同学可以很流利的阐述观点而另一些同学却反应比较缓慢。此前,在Warming up的模块中,学生早已对这一话题有了一定的语言积累,表现出了对此话题的浓厚兴趣。

三 教学方式

1 通过pair work, group work Individual work 来实现课堂以学生为主,教师为辅的教学过程。在大部分的课堂教学时间里,是教师与学生,学生与学生之间的互动过程。

2 在词汇教学的过程中,引导学生在语境中猜词和短语的意思,引导学生自己去发现知识。

3 通过任务型的阅读教学,由表到里、由浅入深,帮助学生了解宽扎节活动包含的丰富的历史和文化知识,并学会如何用英语陈述自己的观点,训练和培养学生的阅读理解和语言概括能力,提高听说技巧。

4 之后,创建自己的节日。让学生进行联想和想象,创建出自己的节日,从而培养学生的创新思维。

5 在布置作业部分,写一封给外国笔友的信介绍圣诞节与我国春节的不同,既培养学生语言应用能力和逻辑思维能力又培养学生的写作能力。



在这节课中,我的教学设计在任务型教学下通过pair work, group work Individual work来实现了对学生听,说,读,写的训练,不仅帮助他们对节日的内涵有了深刻的了解,拓展学生的文化视野,增强学生跨文化交际的意识和能力,还培养学生的领悟能力和创造力。







Unit 14 ,SEFC1B


The birth of a festival

. Teaching Aims:

1) Predict the meaning of new words in the text and use them to

retell the text.

2)Abstract important information about the Kwanzaa from reading materials.

3) Help the students have a deep understanding of festivals ,

be aware of the difference among different cultures and realize

 we must respect others' customs.

4) Cultivate students’ communication skills and teamwork spirit.


.Teaching Difficulties:

1) Master the following words and phrases.

major; probably;  honour;  ancestor; principle; nation; purpose; creativity; faith; commercial; joy; light(V.n);

 fix...on the day; in honour of;  in memory of...

2) Use their own words to retell the text


.Teaching Aids:

A multiple-media computer ; Projector ; Power point ;

Smart Board

Time1 period40 minutes


Teaching methods:

1. Skimming and scanning;

2. Task-based activities;

3. group work; pair work; Individual work.


V. Teaching procedures:

Step 1: Lead-in (5 mins)

Show some pictures about some festivals on the screen, and get the students to discuss what festivals they are.

(in the first picture ,a Chinese girl is burning firecracker)

T: What is the girl doing in the picture? What Day is it?

S:…(The Spring Festival)

 ( in the second picture, several foreign children knock at someone’s door ,saying "Trick or Treat”).

T: What are they doing in the picture? What Day is it?

S: …(Halloween)

( in the third picture, students are presenting some flowers to a teacher)

T: What are they doing in the picture? What Day is it?

S: …(Teachers’ Day)

(in the fourth picture, lots of children are dancing and singing happily)

T: What are they doing in the picture? What Day is it?

S: ……(International Children’s Day)

(in the fifth picture , a boy is  badly cheated on April Fool’s Day)

T: What is the boy doing in the picture? What Day is it?

S: ……(April Fool’s Day)

(in the sixth picture ,people are cutting mooncakes )

T: What are people doing in the picture? What Day is it?

S: ……(Mid-Autumn Festival)

( in the seven picture, people are decorating a Christmas tree)

T: What are people doing in the picture? What Day is it?

S: ……(Christmas Day)

( in the eighth picture , some people are sweeping tombs )

T: What are people doing in the picture? What Day is it?

S: ……(Tomb Sweeping Festival)

T: Next let's watch a short film. (Show the short film about the Kwanzaa.)

T:Do you know what festival it is?

S: …

 T: It's Kwanzaa.

(Lead in the topic of the text.)

Step 2  Skimming

1) (3mins)

T: Now let’s come to the text on page 10-The Birth Of A Festival and see how people spend a different and special festival in the United State. Read the text quickly and try to find out the answer to the following questions by yourself.

1.Why do people celebrate Kwanzaa?

(To celebrate the culture and history of African Americans)

2. when do people celebrate Kwanzaa?

 (The week following Christmas Day)

3.What are seven principles of Kwanzaa? Which one do you think is the most important?

(Unity, Self-determinatin, Living together, Working together, Purpose ,Creativity, Faith )

4   How do people celebrate Kwanzaa?

(People light a candle each day and discuss one of the principles of Kwanzaa. On the last day of Kwanzaa, family and friends gather to enjoy a large meal and to celebrate the new year.)


2) (3mins) 

Find the topic sentence of each paragraph.

Passage1: Kwanzaa is a seven-day festival celebrating the culture and the history of African-Americans.

Passage2: The festivals were a way to celebrate history and culture, as well as the new year.

Passage3: The seven principles of Kwanzaa.

Passage4: People celebrate Kwanzaa from December 26 to January 1 every year.

Passage5: The Spring Festival, Christmas, Ramadan, Kwanzaa and all the other holidays and festivals help us understand who we are, remember where we come from, and share our hopes for a happy future.

Step 3  Vocabulary Presentation (5mins)

Present the new words and phrases on the screen, and ask students to predict their meaning and then, teach the new words and phrases

major; probably; honour; ancestor; principle; nation; purpose;creativity; faith; commercial; joy; light(V.n);fix...on the day;in  honour of; in memory of...

(remove barriers for reading.)


Step 4  Scanning(5mins)

True or False

1) Kwanzaa is a very old festival. ( F )

2) The word Kwanzaa means first fruit in Swahili. ( T )

3) Kwanzaa is based on old African festivals. ( T )

4) People created Kwanzaa to celebrate American culture.  ( F )

5) Kwanzaa is celebrated on Christmas Day.( F )

6) People who celebrate Kwanzaa light a candle for each of the seven principles. ( T )

Step 5 Retell (5mins)


Use their own words to retell the text.

Kwanzaa ,a young holiday which lasts from Decenber 26th to January 1st,was created in 1966 by African Amercians so that they would be able to celebrate their history and culture,as well as the new year.

During the festival,people can enjoy the spirit of the holiday,celebrate it by lighting a candle,which is lit by the youngestchild in the family,and disscuss one of the seven principles of Kwanzaa.The seven principles  are: unity; self-determination;

living together; working together; purpose; creativity and faith.

Every year we creat new festivals so that we can keep our culture alive,and it can help us understand who we are,remember where we come from,and share what we hope for.


Step 6  Talk in groups.(10 mins)

(Show the students more festivals we are quite familiar with )

Lunar New Year 元旦(Jua.1)

Dragon Boat Festival 龙舟节(the fifth day of the fifth lunar month

International Labor Day (May .1)国际劳动节

International Women's DayMatch .8)国际三八妇女节

Chinese Youth Day (May 4th)五四青年节

Army Day (August 1st)八一建军节

National Day(Oct.1)国庆节

Lantern Festival(the 15 day of the 1st lunar month)元宵


(Lead the students talk in groups about the festivals they are familiar with.)

Use the following sentences:

When does the… Festival usually take place?

 How do you do to celebrate it?

 What special food do you eat?

 What kind of things and gifts do people buy during the festival?

Do festivals help us understand our history and culture?

(after talking , choose some groups to share their talking .)


Step 7  pair work (4 mins)

Create your own festival. Fill in the blank on Page 14.

Step 8 Homework

Write a letter about the difference between Christmas and Spring Festival  to your pen friend in America in 120 words.

Teaching feedback

In this class , I not only help the students know more about the contents of a festival by students'  group work ,pair work and individual work,but also practise the students 'communication skills.